What is beauty? According to the Webster dictionary beauty is "the quality of being physically attractive,the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind" .
So with this definition I can assumed that anyone can be considered beautiful once they give pleasure to our senses or our minds. We shouldn't be held by Hollywood's standard's of beauty.
Some years ago I was just watching this Cover Girl ad with the actress Drew Barrymore and realize that women and especially young girls are bombard with images of women with make up, size o and who has had work done on their bodies. I have nothing against makeup because i wear most times but i just realize that the images we as women get are that you put on some make up and all your problems will go away. We live in an age where the media shows celebrities, actors , singers etc with long straight hair, skinny and long legs. There is little diversity from the media on portraying how real women look and are. Not everyone can be a size zero but I digress. Not everyone has the time to go to the gym, Not everyone has the money to afford personal trainers, chefs or even go to expensive health restaurants.
I have notice that because of those images on television, cd covers , magazines etc women and young girls have become self loathing. Women are now trying all kind of diets, buying the latest outfits and clothes that maybe Mariah Carey, Madonna or Halle Berry wore. Women are becoming anorexic, bulimic or suffering from any weight issue or disease and becoming overwhelming unhealthy. Young girls don't have the self confidence because of what they see and what they are experiencing. Many young girls are being bullied or being made fun because they not the size zero or 2 like the popular girls in school or they were braces or and they don't fit the general consensus of beauty. They are bullied because they not the most attractive girls physically or they do not fit society's standard for beauty.

We have women damaging their bodies and skin by having botox or, bleaching or lightening of skin and spray tanning themselves not realizing g the effects of these beauty enhancements would do, tans and bleach can cause cancer, botox can go wrong. we as women should forgot those media images and forget those celebrities and have more love for ourselves and realize that though those famous women portray themselves as perfect they are not and its all smoke screens to make the world believe that they are perfect.

Society has to change its perception on what is beautiful and what is great self image. we have to be careful of who we call beautiful, we call fat. There should be more diversity in the media, in magazines etc of how a woman looks not just the tall, skinny, long legs, long hair women that we see but we should we have a more diverse group not all of us are skinny but we are curvy , few extra around, short etc, We need to see more women of different sizes,, textures so that we don't have the case of girls having a bad view of their selves and their body image.
Why can we stop focusing on physical beauty and focus on the inside, why don't we celebrate the female lawyers, female doctors, female inventors, why can't we focus on intelligence and how someone treat us not the physical because when all is said and done your physical beauty fades and all we have left is the inside. Girls and women need to focus on what God has called us to to be Godly women and focus on what is pleasing to him.
Women with a good self image have the power to change the world!
Lets all forget about the Hollywood stereotypes that we are bombarded by and just love our selves for differences. Let us focus on raising women who love God and want to please him not vainity and things that fleets away.Lets focus on raising and encouraging more female doctors, mathematicians, biologist, chemists, teachers, therapists. Let us embrace the female intelligence and kindness and not on how a woman look
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ! we all are beautiful in our own way. We need to realize this but I digress!
I know its hard to throw away society's definition of beauty because we are bombarded by these images. I understand because I am one of these girls that's insecure about my weight and beauty and I often think ways that i could change my looks maybe have longer hair, have lighter skin, be taller, be thinner. But less I focus on this culture's and Hollywood's sterotype of what is beautiful, the more i focus what's inside.
It is the inside that counts not the outside! Beauty is who you say and what you see not the media but as always I digress
As Madonna says " Everyone wants to go Hollywood"
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