November with June hearts. Form fits the part. Parted ways with time For a chance to unwind. Playful banter. Nervous laughter reminiscent of giggles Trickling from your full lips. Oft imaginary but you've become my trip. Bypassed hips for those thighs. Presumed to have misplaced timing. Stared too long to employ moonlight as the next of my excuses. You tie my broken phrases Like loose pieces of thread. Your fingertips form my nooses. Your voice that of exotic juices Never savored before this moment. I must find atonement. I should be contrite. Dark paths under these lights And I've sized you up completely. Moved about discreetly hoping that you wouldn't notice. Every man has motives; But most men are organized. Nothing quite devised in nature With how I'd ravage and savor. Lust for you my cheerful labor.
This week and I wish the sun would vanish. Deliberate in your brandish, you toy with your delay to my dismay. We will have today. Tonight is undetermined; So don't be concerned with What is borne of the latter. What remains will be drawn after.
Here under this umbrella And no cloud lines the sky. Mid-month musing of our choosing; Perusing through each try. Each advance more deliberate. You and I less considerate of what the other would think. Before we even blink, our intentions take the helm. Seldom solemn or embarrassed Over what is surely cherished. Your full lips as soft as air; Eluding your hair, leaning into your chair For a subtle hint of pear. First kiss caressed my cares Until they became foreign. Sovereign in this instance; Unscripted and instantaneous in nature. Your scent fresh like vapor. I exhale reluctantly. Redundancies in revision So I recall this moment fondly. Found me besides myself Yet I don't cry out for help.
Nothing more salvaged this week. In distance we speak; But no words in favored proximity. These desired decadent obscenities Have enveloped my existence. The night is relentless And I delight in each finish. We will gather the remnants.
Doors slam shut through hallways. This window remains always To impart some ventilation. Rapture and titillation in your moans; Zoning out after I sink in. Blink when it gets too deep And I will breach your soul; Filling each and every whole As if I were the missing half. Your inhibition slaughtered For trying to steal away Beneath these silken quarters. Luxurious the moisture. Warmer with each serving. Each slight hindrance so unnerving That pacing becomes our casualty. Casually diverting from each established norm, These fingertips slide and swarm Across the curvature I've desired. Frozen amid this fire are the moments that led us here: Fear and sheer excitement, Deviant enticement, and more thoughts than one can write with. Mounted in my chair. Two fists full of hair And my grip is surely deliberate. Delivered it in balance But ignored all rationed portions. Absorbed my lust whole. Lobbied for control with sharp thrusts Until pinned down and gutted. Looking back full and flustered As if to request more rigor. With requited vigor, I invoke your stern request. We perspire as if required like that of badge and vest And silence was not tolerated. Bent over and dilated, you strain through desired pain.
You don't refrain until I'm drained.
Grace mixes well with intention. Abhorrent means are contradiction and I am no one's fabrication. Approval and elation I could claim as insurance but I'd rather your endurance. Assuredly, the future looms Along with hope of returning soon. I will recall your nervous laughter With what residuals are left. The taste of you still fresh years after. Should you return, we'll enjoy the rest. ;)
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